Pros and Cons of Grocery Pick-up

If you haven’t tried grocery pick up yet, you may be wondering if it’s worth it.  I tried it for my first time a few years ago, right after I had my 5th daughter.  I’ve been hooked since.  (Despite the “cons.”)  I love the convenience and time-saving.  But don’t let me my experience influence you.  If you’ve known me for a while, you know that there is no one right way to be healthy.  I’ll give you the pros and cons of both so you can decide for yourself.

First, if you’ve never tried it, I want to explain how it works. 

  1. Sign up on the app or the website.
  2. Search for the items you need and add them to your virtual grocery cart.
  3. When you’re all done, “check out” and pay with your credit card.
  4. The next day (or later that day), you will get a text when your order is ready.
  5. If any item was not available, via the app or an email you will be notified if is was left off or substituted.
  6. Head to the grocery store and follow the signs to grocery pick up. 
  7. Call the number on the sign and let them know you have arrived.  (Some apps allow you to check-in instead of call.)
  8. Wait for the friendly staff to bring you your groceries and load them up.
  9. Voila! You are done!


  • Helps you stick to a budget.  I find that I don’t make impulse buys because I have my list and just order what is on my list.
  • You can look through your fridge, pantry, and freezer as you’re making the list so you can see exactly what you need.
  • The apps or websites save your favorite items and prompt you to buy them.  It helps you to not forget your essentials.
  • It saves time waiting in line or wading through crowds. 
  • You can add to your online cart all throughout the week.
  • Other family members can get on the app or website and add to the list as needed.
  • You can do it anytime of the day: in bed, while waiting in line somewhere, at the doctor’s office, etc.
  • If you don’t like grocery shopping with your kids (or spouse!), you don’t have to.


  • You may forget certain items that you would have remembered if you had walked the aisles of the grocery store.  (I inevitably already have a new list started before I even go to pick up my items because I forgot something!)
  • You are less likely to try new foods and see new items in the store.
  • You may get stuck in a rut of ordering the same things.  (Last summer I realized I had forgotten all about the summer produce because I was so used to my winter list.)
  • You won’t see any special deals or sales the store is offering.
  • Some stores charge extra money for the groceries or a pick up fee when ordering online.
  • Some moms/dads/grandparents like shopping with kids/teens as a learning experience.  You miss out on that when doing online shopping. 

As you can see, there is about an equal amount of pros/cons.  If you’re wondering what I do, as a mom and dietitian, I do grocery pick up about every 6 days.  And about once per month I try to go in person to see what foods I may have forgotten about and give my kids a chance to come and learn about shopping.

Now, you may be wondering about grocery delivery…. I haven’t tried that yet, but I’m sure it’s great.  If you have tried delivery, please share your experience.

If you need help deciding what to put into your cart, please join me for my next Custom Jumpstart program.

Healthy, Easy, Personalized Meal Plans Done-for-you

Healthy, Easy, Personalized Meal Plans Done-for-you

Today I couldn’t believe it when I looked at the calendar and realized my kids go back to school in 3 weeks!  Sadly (if you go by school schedules) the summer is almost over. 

How do you feel about that news?  How is your summer going?  Are you staying on track with your eating plans and exercise?  I know it can be hard when you feel pulled in different directions AND it’s so hot you don’t even want to turn on your oven.

The reason I’m bringing this up is I don’t want you to have regrets in the fall. Come September, I hear it all the time, “I wish I would have done better on my vacation.  I wish I had taken the time to meal prep.  Now I feel like I’m starting all over.” 

The good news is it doesn’t have to be that way!  You CAN stay on track this summer without working too hard.  When September comes you can seamlessly transition into the holiday season without “starting over” or “getting back on track.”  I want to tell you how. 

I have a menu service that is different than any other because this menu is not generic. Let me tell you how it works:

  1. I create a meal plan for you based on your health goals and enter it into EatLove.
  2. I personalize your plan taking into account food allergies, health conditions, and how many people you want to cook for.
  3. The system finds meals that match your meal plan’s criteria.
  4. You get an email invitation to log on and view your meal plan. You’ll see breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that fit into your meal plan and support you in your health goals. 
  5. You schedule your meal plan, print your grocery list, and head to the store.  You’ll have thousands of recipes at your fingertips that meet your unique nutrition needs. 

Having a plan is the key to having not only a fun summer, but a successful summer.  Click on this link and let’s get you started with your meal plan for approximately $10 per month until the end of 2019.  The regular cost is $30 per month, but I’m going to give it to you for one payment of $49 TOTAL until December 31, 2019.  I want you to end this year feeling better than you ever have.  You’ll save more than 66%!

Click here to get your very own personalized meal plan.  As soon as you do, I will contact you via email to get you set up for success.