Website Review:


The Dole Nutrition Institute’s (DNI) mission is to “cultivate the seeds of knowledge and provide the public with definitive, easily accessible, scientifically-validated information on nutrition and health.”  They are accomplishing that through their website.  The DNI website is full of information about fruits and vegetables.  After reading the articles on the benefits of specific fruits and vegetables, browsing the recipes, and watching the videos, your mouth will be watering for some fruit and you’ll be craving vegetables.  We all know we need to eat more fruits and vegetables.  This website proves why and helps us to accomplish the goal.

They have a free newsletter you can receive via e-mail.  It is one of my favorites.  And, they feature the “Dole Spa” that teaches us fruits and vegetables aren’t just for the inside, they are for the outside too.

Bottom-line: If you’re looking for some produce inspiration, check out their website.


Please share: What’s your favorite fruit or vegetable?