Intuitive Eating and Managing Chronic Disease

The other day I was trying to get my 4 year old (going on 13 years old) to hurry and eat her snack. She was telling some long story and was doing more talking than eating. In a rush I asked, “Can’t you just eat faster?” She said, “I don’t know how to do that, seriously. But I can eat and talk at the same time.” Which she then proceeded to take a big bite of her “cracker sandwich” and started right back into her story.

I couldn’t help but be reminded how much we have to learn from babies and children about eating. I can’t tell you how many times I have reminded my clients that we all used to know exactly how much we needed to eat, the pace we liked to eat, when we were full, and when we were hungry. If you observe toddlers and childrens’ eating patterns, you will be quite surprised. One day they eat so much you think they are a bottomless pit. Other days they hardly eat a thing and you wonder how they have so much energy. They don’t rely on diets or rules to tell them when to eat. Somewhere along the way we stopped trusting ourselves and started trusting other people to tell us what our bodies needed. We ignored our inner hunger and fullnes cues and let emotions and fads guide our eating.

It doesn’t have to be like that. You can eat like a kid again and still be healthy. I know you can because that’s how I eat, that’s how my children and teens eat, and that’s how I help my clients eat. My virtual program Intentional Eating 101 is all about experimenting with the food you eat and how it makes you feel so you can manage your chronic diseases while still eating the foods you love. Over 8 weeks it teaches you how to tune into your body and tweak your choices along the way to find the right balance for you.

Click here to start today

In the meantime, observe kids eating and see what you have to learn. Let me know what you find out by commenting on this post.

Until next time: Eat happy…Move happy…Live happy.