One of my frequently asked questions is, “How many times a day should I eat?” I’ve got the answer for you! Research shows it’s ideal to eat at least 3 times per day and then the rest is up for you to decide. Eating at least 3 meals a day is ideal for managing appetite hormones, metabolism, and hunger. There is no research to support whether snacks are necessary for weight control. For some people, eating snacks causes them to overeat because they snack on cookies, chips, and soda. For others, snacking is necessary because they don’t like to eat big meals. That’s where personalization comes in.

My suggestion is to keep a food journal and track your mood and energy level based on your meals and snacks. See if you do better with 3 snacks and 3 meals or just 3 meals (or anywhere in between).
To take it a step further, pay attention to how the snacks and meals make you feel. Do some snacks weigh you down and others energize you? Does eating big meals make you feel sleepy or satisfied? Pay attention to trends and use that to guide you in how many snacks and meals are ideal for you.
And if you need help with your meal plan after that, check out my services to see which is the best fit for you.
Please share: do you prefer to snack or not to snack?